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Category: Local Business News  Scrutiny

Scrutiny Launches Review of the 2022 to 2025 Government Plan

Sep 28, 2021

Scrutiny have begun a comprehensive review of the Government’s four-year plan.

Over the next twelve weeks, the Government Plan Review Panel will coordinate Scrutiny’s work in examining the various initiatives and projects outlined in the latest iteration of the Government Plan. The Government Plan seeks to align spending and investment over the period with Government’s stated priorities.

The reviews undertaken by the Scrutiny Panels will include asking for Islanders’ feedback on the plan in the form of calls for evidence, and seeking the opinions of targeted stakeholder groups on specific topics. Each of the Panels will also be holding Public Hearings with Ministers and relevant witnesses.

The Government Plan Review Panel will take an over-arching approach to looking at spending against the priorities listed in the Common Strategic Policy for this Government term. It will also seek to provide an overview of the impact of the Government Plan on the community and the economy. Each of the five standing Scrutiny Panels will also produce reviews which concentrate on projects and capital spend allocations which fit within their stated remit.

The recommendations, findings and amendments which result from the reviews will form an integral part of the Government Plan 2022 – 2025 debate in the States Assembly on 14 December 2021.

The Chair of the Government Plan Review Panel, Senator Kristina Moore, said:

“Scrutiny of the Government Plan is of vital importance. This document sets out the Government’s plan to raise and spend about a billion pounds of public money.”

“We will carry out a thorough investigation with the support from advisors during the review period, report our findings and lodge amendments where appropriate. Focus will include a spotlight on budget allocations for all capital and revenue projects ensuring they are sufficient for all Islanders’ wellbeing and economic recovery.

We look forward to hearing from stakeholders and the wider public in the coming weeks. It is really important that the plan reflects islanders’ key priorities.”

The Government Plan Review Panel will hold public hearings with the Chief Minister on Friday 15 October and Friday 12 November, public hearings will be held with the Minister of Treasury and Resources on Wednesday 13th October and Monday 15 November 2021. Members of the public can stay up to date with all activity via the States Assembly website and social media channels.

Scrutiny Press Release.

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